Sharing Some Love and Nocternal Alligators

Today was amazing.  I was invited to set up a table at my husbands workplace and have a doggie bake sale.  It was a smashing success!!  With the help of Ms Paula, Ms Lyne as well as the Mister we made over $110.00 for the chip in acct.  Also the very generous employees of Public Works for buying treats and some who didn't have dogs donating money.  Our table looked amazing if I do say so myself....

Campbell helped out before he had to leave for a Doctors appt.

Looking sharp!!
Best of all was the feeling of support I felt from everyone who asked questions and wanted to know more about Bullies in Need.  One person even seemed very interested in fostering.  Fingers crossed she sends an email!!  There was even some talk of letting other rescues set up a table for the next bake sale and allowing all of us a turn.  Ms Paula fosters for Birch Haven Rescue.  I think I'll rent out Katie and Campbell as helpers.....

Now I have to discuss the issue I seem to be having with alligators invading my house while I'm not looking.  Here is evidence that they have been around and doing some damage....

leg of the coffee table

the TV remote......

back of chair one
edge of wood basket
back of chair two

See the red ski boot on your left it was dragged downstairs by them, heyyyyy Marg why are you so interested in that boot.......hmmmm
Those pesky alligators I guess I'm lucky I've heard horror stories of  furniture actually destroyed  by them.  I wonder if I could train Marg to keep them from doing more damage...... ahhhh the joys of fostering.  I wouldn't give it up for anything. 

Take care


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