Looking for Puppy, and Making Treats

It happened, and it was devastating.  The Margster flew out the front door behind her bad example foster brother and got lost.  She was gone for an half an hour and it was nerve wracking.  I could hear her barking and almost found her when she suddenly stopped.  That's when panic set in and I ran home for the car.  After giving myself CPR (I haven't run like that in over a year) I got a phone call asking if Marg was missing.  It was some kind soul who told me the story of Bullies in Need getting a call of a lost dog, and that the grand poobah head Bully Mama was on her way.  My heart sunk, embarrassment and disappointment in myself.  On the up side I went and picked her up she was fine.  She startled the hosts a bit at first but then quickly had them warming up to her.  I figured out she had stopped barking because she was being fed a free dinner!!

After getting her home I called the Grand Poobah Head Bully Mama and let her know all was well.  She reassured me these things happen and then promptly gave me some training tips on how to keep the beasts from darting out of the house.  I treat my dogs like two year children, at that age they are still cute as a button but need a ton of guidance and structure.  That's my job and when something goes wrong Mother guilt kicks in.....lol  I'm recovering nicely from the mild heart attack and the pups are learning to sit and stay when the door opens.  I'll keep you posted.
Nappy time Mamma, lots of running and full belly it was a great adventure
On a happier note, my children (Katie and Campbell) and I are baking doggie treats to raise funds for Bullies in Need.  We recently had two surgeries back to back and the piggy bank is empty now.  Vet bills are large!!  We finished the peanut butter nohmmmies and next is the veal liver treats.  I like to use organ meats in my treats because they are nutrient rich and a little treat goes a long way.  I'll be in Ottawa tomorrow delivering to some people so if your interested let me know we can arrange something.  They are four dollars a bag and the treats are small enough you can use them for training.  If you do buy them remember they are made with fresh meat so treat them like human food if not eaten in a couple of days please freeze them.  Here we have evidence of child labour .....
Campbell, working his kitchen magic
Katie making cookies with her helper Windy ....
Marg helping out by catching all the flour with her body...lol
Never a dull moment!! 

Take care


  1. Aww that must have been maddening!

    One of our HH foster dogs escaped two weeks ago and we still haven't caught him. :( There have been sightings but he won't come close to anyone.

  2. Mel that is so heartbreaking I follow the updates on FB. I keep waiting to read the good news soon. When he gets home he can have free treats!!


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