Taking Time to Smell..... Everything

Normally when walking the dogs I walk.  Like really fast paced walk and no stopping except for pee or poo breaks.  I'm trying to get them used to not becoming lunatics of Love as I put it when they meet people or other dogs.  You know the behaviour, crazy jumping, lunging, barking and generally looking like they are out of their minds..... when in reality they are just looking to meet you or your dog, rather rudely, but none the less friendly.

I decided to let Marg have a stop and smell walk the other day.  She was in bliss.  We stopped to smell the grass, puddles, assorted signs, the air, and anything else she could come across.  For a walk that was only one street long it sure took awhile.....  here of some pics of her super nose at work in the back yard.

There are some hazards of having super nose for a dog.  I discovered many holes in the backyard and the remains of a dead mole!!  Yikes.
Hmmmm Smelling something good....

Diggin holes.....
All dogs smell things that's a fact, but this little Lady smells a lot!!  She would really enjoy a Tracking class or some sort of detection lessons in the future. She has already proved her skills catching a mouse and a mole ...... ick.

Take Care


  1. Wookie does the jumping/barking/lunging when he wants to meet other dogs. He sounds mean, and everyone is a little scared by him, but he's so friendly. Maybe I need to walk more and let him sniff and pee on things less.

  2. Hi,

    Great site! I'm trying to find an email address to contact you on to ask if you would please consider adding a link to my website. I'd really appreciate if you could email me back.

    Thanks and have a great day!

  3. Hi Bella so glad you like the blog. I was just wondering what your website was. Take care

  4. A mole?? Oh goodness! She is a pretty little thing!

  5. I know ewwe, yes she is cute which leads to getting away with stuff....lol it must be the brindle furs that get us!


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