It Takes a Village

When you open your home to foster an animal in need you not only add an animal you also welcome in a village.  The village is the support and guidance you get from your foster organisation.  I have had two fosters so far and the list of people who have helped me is not short.  It takes more than one person to look after all the needs of your foster especially if you are fostering a breed that is banned in Ontario.  Something as simple as going camping you need to make arrangements for someone to watch your foster.  Is your dog not feeling well? Do they have behaviour changes that you think need attention?  Do you have any training questions...... the list goes on and on you depend on your village to give you guidance and put worries to rest. 

Here is a list of people who have been involved in my two fosters care with me!!

Tanya the first person I had contact with in the world of rescue.  Has been there to answer questions, set fears to rest and perform feats of logistics that would put the military to

Chastity C one of the first people I met from the rescue who would answer questions and was the person I forgot to pick up my foster from.... OK I'm still

Sarah M  made sure they had great looking nails and rushed over to pick up my first foster when I forgot to pick her up...... ya major boo boo on my part... and transported my first foster off to be with her forever family.  She almost saw me cry.

Michelle B shared in making feel ok in saying goodbye to my first foster and put up with me showing up late so I could have the last minutes saying good bye to her.

Cheryl H has looked after the Margster many times while my family and I have gone camping.  When Marg goes to Cheryls shes in heaven sharing time with other dogs and running free in nature.  Someday I'm sure Marg won't want to come back!!

Kyla C who opened her home to Marg for a weekend with no reservations.  Brave lady!!  lol

Caroline K took Marg for a weekend cottage trip that looked amazing!!  Below are some pics of Marg being spoiled ....

Lazy Hazy Day at the Cottage

Lips stuck because of Peanut Butter Treat at the
Marg has had a great summer being exposed to many different environments, people and other dogs. I have yet to have a complaint.  I always ask if she behaved....

Like all villages people come and go and there has been a change in the rescue that Marg is located now.  She can be located at "Sit with Me" they are on facebook and the web  It is a rescue that specialises in taking dogs from shelters.  Dogs that are slated to be put down or who may be difficult to adopt out. 

The rescue where she started out at "Bullies in Need" are still doing the great work that they do saving our precious Bullies and we will be looking forward to supporting them as well.

Well our summer is winding down now and I will be travelling less, I'm looking foreword to the Christmas holidays when I can take in fosters needing a temporary residence and I can return the favours!!

Hope enjoy the rest of summer


  1. I was wondering if Marg would stay with BIN or go to SWM. :)

    So does BIN now accept owner surrenders? Just curious about all the changes..

    1. Marg is with SWM now. As far as I know we will be pulling from shelters only. The big change is they need not be bullies anymore. Lots of changes!!


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